MEET: Ellen Persechini Wortman
We are delighted to recognize Ellen Wortman, a Partner with The Wortman Law Firm in Wilmington, NC where she specializes in General Liability and HOA law. Ellen received her law degree from Wake Forest University School of Law in 2002 and is very active member of the North Carolina legal community. Join us in getting to know Ellen!
What drew you to the practice of law and to a litigation and trial practice? I participated in a mock trial during a school project after reading To Kill A Mockingbird. I was defense counsel and realized how exciting trial work can be. I love that every day is different and filled with unexpected surprises (good and bad).
How has membership in NCADA benefited your professional life? The NCADA is a wonderful organization. As a young lawyer the seminars and case law updates were extremely valuable. Now after more than twenty years of practice, I still appreciate the case law updates and information exchange the NCADA provides.
What would you do if you were not a lawyer?
I’d be a school librarian and play more tennis!
Fun fact that people probably don’t know about you? I’ve worked in libraries during all aspects of my life (high school, college, law school and even now as a volunteer).
What is the strangest thing you’ve ever done? I crawled through the undercarriage of a moldy trailer in a Tyvek suit- that’s what happens when you start practicing law during the peak of mold litigation.
What excites you the most right now? The prospect of a good cross-examination and developing themes for new cases.
Book and tennis lovers unite! Be sure to say hello and connect with Ellen.