
The NCADA provides exceptional professional development and networking opportunities with fellow members from across the state, in-house and public sector legal counsel, the judiciary, law schools and other bar affiliated groups. 

Our programs provide valuable resources for practical legal education specific to civil defense trial attorneys where you can hone your trial advocacy skills and participate in collaborative educational opportunities in small group practice specific sessions.

Join us at one of our upcoming events!

Upcoming events

    • 30 Oct 2024
    • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
    • Zoom Webinar

    Explain Your Case Visually

    The session provides insights into effectively utilizing visuals to communicate complex information. Learn the importance of visuals and the key ways 3D Laser Scanning for data preservation, measurement, analysis, and visualization can help your case. Explore the use of drone technology, the role of color in visuals, and emerging technologies like interactive programs, 3D printing, and virtual reality. 

    Presenter: Alice Donnelly, Imaging Sciences Specialist

    Sponsored by: 

    1 hour Technology credit requested

    Free for Members!

    • 13 Nov 2024
    • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
    • Zoom Webinar

    Acoustics In Litigation: Hearing is Ostensibly Believing

    Complaints that noise allegedly resulted in health-related damages are becoming more common and less intuitive to fathom. This puts greater pressure on defense to look around and beyond the complaint for facts and context that illuminate a broader issue at hand. Fortunately, the science of sound, acoustics, identifies an intrinsic mix of objective and subjective factors that determine how an individual perceives sound, permitting an investigation to account for cognitive factors when interpreting noise measurements. This seminar will describe how principles of engineering and human factors can leverage the whole gamut of acoustics to guide defense strategies that silence the din of noise complaints.

    Presenter:  Ryan Harne, Ph.D., P.E., FASME , Managing Engineer

    Sponsored by: 

    1 hour General CLE credit requested

    Free for Members!

Past events

16 Oct 2024 The Fascinating Field of Biomechanical Engineering
09 Oct 2024 Tool Box Talk: Ins & Outs of OSHA
27 Sep 2024 2024 Fall Seminar
11 Sep 2024 Complex Cases Simplified: Gaining Logistical Control from Calendaring to Courtroom
28 Aug 2024 Biomechanics in Motor Vehicle Collisions
31 Jul 2024 Postponed "Shop Talk" with Government Lawyers
31 Jul 2024 What a Blast: Pressure Induced Injuries in Civil Litigation
13 Jun 2024 47th Annual Meeting & 2024 Judicial Candidates' Forum
22 May 2024 If There are Humans, There are Human Factors
09 May 2024 Practice Pointers Series: Primer for Defense Attorneys on the Real-World Implications Insurance Has on Clients
08 May 2024 The Role of Neuropsychology Expert in Evaluating TBIs and Other Neurological Impairments
25 Apr 2024 Exploring the Landscape of Workers' Compensation Today
18 Apr 2024 Practice Pointers Series: AI Video Replay & Open Discussion
10 Apr 2024 "Shop Talk" with Government Lawyers
10 Apr 2024 Understanding OSINT
21 Mar 2024 Navigating North Carolina eCourts: Best Practices for Paralegals
14 Mar 2024 Practice Pointers Series: Supporting Partners in Trial
07 Mar 2024 NCSB CLE Changes - What You Need to Know
29 Feb 2024 2024 Southeastern Women Litigators Conference
09 Feb 2024 2024 Winter Workshop
08 Feb 2024 Women Litigators Wine Detective Experience
08 Feb 2024 Practice Pointers Series: Basics of Jury Selection
01 Feb 2024 Women Litigators Wine Detective Experience
31 Jan 2024 Five Strategies to Manage Medical Costs & Economic Damages
31 Jan 2024 "Shop Talk" with Government Lawyers
18 Jan 2024 Practice Pointers Series: Insights from In-House Counsel
14 Dec 2023 Practice Pointers Series: What Every Young Lawyer Needs to Know About Mediation
06 Dec 2023 Cell Phone Forensics
29 Nov 2023 Fast is Fine, but Accuracy is Everything
16 Nov 2023 Practice Pointers Series: Build Business as a New Attorney
09 Nov 2023 Raleigh Member Networking Social
25 Oct 2023 State of the State of Vehicle EDRs
18 Oct 2023 Member Networking Social - Rocky Mount
12 Oct 2023 Practice Pointers Series: Trial Preparation 102
06 Oct 2023 2023 Fall Seminar
05 Oct 2023 Triad Area Networking Social
28 Sep 2023 Joint NCADA / NCAJ Young Lawyers Raleigh Courthouse Crawl & Networking Event
21 Sep 2023 Wilmington Area Networking Social
20 Sep 2023 Examining Potential Ignition Sources in a Flammable Gas Mixture: A Case Study
14 Sep 2023 Charlotte Networking Social
14 Sep 2023 Practice Pointers Series: Lessons from the Trenches
13 Sep 2023 Asheville Networking Social
13 Sep 2023 Modern-Day Guide to Deposition Management
30 Aug 2023 "Shop Talk" with Government Lawyers
23 Aug 2023 Ten Habits New Lawyers Should Develop from Day One
10 Aug 2023 Practice Pointers Series: Getting the Best from Experts
26 Jul 2023 Accident Reconstruction Technology: Commercial Vehicles
13 Jul 2023 Practice Pointers Series: Importance of Knowing the Local Rules
10 Jun 2023 Impact of Recent Opinions in Workers' Compensation
10 Jun 2023 46th Annual Meeting & Spring Seminar
17 May 2023 Effective Review of Vocational Rehabilitation Services for Persons with Severe Injuries
11 May 2023 Practice Pointers Series: Successful Billing Habits
10 May 2023 "Shop Talk" with Government Lawyers
13 Apr 2023 Practice Pointers Series: How to Train Your Partner
29 Mar 2023 The Short End of the Stick: Construction Defects in Wood Buildings
22 Mar 2023 2023 Southeastern Women Litigators Conference
09 Mar 2023 Practice Pointers Series: Trial Preparation 101: The Legal Questions, Phases, & Steps
10 Feb 2023 2023 Winter Workshop
09 Feb 2023 Practice Pointers Series: The Distinction between Litigators & Trial Attorneys
14 Dec 2022 Workers' Comp Roundtable Discussion
08 Dec 2022 NCADA Paralegal Seminar
30 Nov 2022 Accelerating Ahead: The Present and Future of Autonomous Vehicles
16 Nov 2022 Seeing is Believing
26 Oct 2022 The Whole is Greater than the Sum of the Parts: Integrating Engineering and Human Factors Analyses in Product Liability Cases
25 Oct 2022 Fall Seminar 2022 Tech Hour: The Use of Technology in Investigations
25 Oct 2022 2022 Fall Seminar
14 Sep 2022 Heavy Truck Rollovers: Occupant Injury and Kinematics
24 Aug 2022 Evidence-Based Life Care Plans and Earning Capacity Analyses
17 Aug 2022 Fortify Your Claim & Peer Review Process for a Risky World
13 Jul 2022 NCSB CLE Board Proposed Changes Overview w/Peter Bolac
17 Jun 2022 45th Annual Meeting & Judicial Candidates' Forum
19 May 2022 Extended-Benefits Cases: How Employers Can Prevail
12 May 2022 Raleigh Member Social
28 Apr 2022 Greensboro Member Social
28 Apr 2022 Poetry and the Law: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, Practicing Law Can Be Hard, But Poetry Isn’t
21 Apr 2022 Winston-Salem Member Social
14 Apr 2022 Charlotte Member Social
23 Mar 2022 Southeastern Women Litigators Conference
23 Feb 2022 Workers' Comp Roundtable Discussion
04 Feb 2022 2022 Winter Workshop
18 Jan 2022 Workers' Comp Extended Benefits Roundtable Discussion
15 Dec 2021 Construction Material Cost  Escalation During The Pandemic & Recent Construction Failures
01 Dec 2021 Establishing Medical Foundation for the Life Care Plan
03 Nov 2021 Introduction to Forensic Engineering
06 Oct 2021 Why Do Bad Things Happen to People in “Good” Cars?
19 Sep 2021 2021 Fall Seminar
08 Sep 2021 Trips and Falls: Premises Liability and Human Factors Considerations
28 Jul 2021 Fact or Fiction: Can You Trust Your Fire Investigator’s Report?
15 Jul 2021 44th Annual Meeting and Spring Program
14 Jul 2021 Assessing Injury Causation Using Biomechanical Engineering
03 Jun 2021 Greensboro Beer Bash!
02 Jun 2021 Winston-Salem Beer Bash!
26 May 2021 Wilmington Beer Bash!
20 May 2021 Rocky Mount Beer Bash!
19 May 2021 Raleigh Beer Bash!
13 May 2021 Asheville Beer Bash!
12 May 2021 Charlotte Beer Bash!
12 May 2021 Fire Sprinkler System Failures: Common Modes & Typical Causes
14 Apr 2021 Healthcare Heroes and Immunity: A Look at COVID Healthcare Litigation
07 Apr 2021 Workers' Comp Roundtable Discussion
25 Mar 2021 Coffee with...
10 Mar 2021 Trivia Night!
03 Mar 2021 Injury Biomechanics for Motor Vehicle Applications
24 Feb 2021 Client Development & Client Maintenance: Thriving in the New Normal
20 Feb 2021 2021 Winter Workshop
18 Feb 2021 An Update on the NC Courts from Chief Justice Newby
27 Jan 2021 Crosshairs: A Rebyc Security Sponsored Webinar
19 Jan 2021 Young Lawyers Roundtable Discussion & Networking
14 Jan 2021 Calculating Reasonable Value of Medical Losses in Turbulent Times
09 Dec 2020 Elements of an Investigation: Geotags, Hashtags, and Everything In Between
19 Nov 2020 Building Client Relationships from 6 Feet--A Women Litigators Event
11 Nov 2020 E-Discovery Litigation and Support, Sponsored by IST
09 Nov 2020 The Ethics of Working Remotely and More...Sponsored by Veritext
28 Oct 2020 Good Faith, Bad Faith, and No Faith at all.
21 Oct 2020 2020 Fall Seminar
07 Oct 2020 Leadership and Practice Management During Disruption
30 Sep 2020 Fall Seminar Virtual Trivia Night
28 Sep 2020 Workers Comp: WebEx Hearings During the Pandemic: Requirements & Tips for a Successful Hearing
24 Sep 2020 Young Lawyers Happy Hour
16 Sep 2020 Professionalism, Diversity, and Work-Life Balance in Troubling Times
27 Aug 2020 Materials That Set Themselves on Fire - Investigating Spontaneous Combustion
07 Aug 2020 Black Lives & Lawyers Matter: Advocacy and Allyship in the Legal Profession
24 Jul 2020 Young Lawyers Virtual Roundtable
23 Jul 2020 Setting the New Normal: Virtual Laboratory Testing and Inspections, Sponsored by Exponent
22 Jul 2020 When Your Product Goes to Work: Occupational Safety and Health in Product Liability Cases. Sponsored by Exponent.
01 Jul 2020 Technical Evaluation of Property Management & Premises Liability Cases
25 Jun 2020 Data at a Distance: The Art of Remote Inspections
22 Jun 2020 Recent Decisions Case Law Update (AM20)
18 Jun 2020 Personal Injury Liability Claims – How They’re Valued and the Importance of Evaluating Them Quickly
12 Jun 2020 Virtual 43rd Annual Meeting & Spring Program
12 Jun 2020 Judicial Candidates Forum
09 Jun 2020 Employment Practice Group Virtual Roundtable
05 Jun 2020 Government Practice Group Virtual Roundtable
04 Jun 2020 Paralegals Virtual Social Hour
29 May 2020 Workers' Comp Group Virtual Roundtable
28 May 2020 Remote Proceedings – Preparation, Tools & Tactics
27 May 2020 Get Moving with Amy!
21 May 2020 Virtual Happy Hour
07 May 2020 Virtual Happy Hour
07 May 2020 Disciplined Listening: Influence Under Stress
06 May 2020 Get Moving with Amy!
04 May 2020 Virtual Coffee Chat with Alex Hagan
04 May 2020 Get Moving with Amy!
30 Apr 2020 A Very Special Happy Hour: Cocktail Curation with Jesse Cortez
29 Apr 2020 Business Development During Trying Times
28 Apr 2020 Ethical Cocktails with Warren Savage of Lawyers Mutual Insurance.
27 Apr 2020 Coronavirus Assessment: The Science of Transmission and Spread
27 Apr 2020 Get Moving with Amy!
23 Apr 2020 Networking from 6 Feet
22 Apr 2020 Virtual Coffee Chat
17 Apr 2020 All Hands on Deck | Working Together with Creativity and Civility During Uncertain Times
15 Apr 2020 How COVID-19 is Impacting our Practices and Firms: A Panel Discussion from Across the State Sharing Ideas, Considerations, & Strategies
09 Apr 2020 New World Order: Mediation in the Age of Zoom. Online CLE
06 Apr 2020 Virtual Happy Hour
28 Feb 2020 CANCELED Asheville: Legal Reflections from 2019 Video Replay
27 Feb 2020 Wilmington: Legal Reflections from 2019 Video Replay
31 Jan 2020 2020 Winter Workshop
15 Jan 2020 Winston-Salem: Legal Reflections from 2019 Video Replay
13 Dec 2019 Legal Reflections from 2019 - Video Replay
06 Nov 2019 Government Info & Ideas Exchange
16 Oct 2019 DRI Annual Meeting
04 Oct 2019 2019 Fall Seminar
23 Aug 2019 Mastering the Expert Deposition
13 Jun 2019 42nd Annual Meeting & Spring Program
30 May 2019 Ethics Video Replay & After Hours Networking
04 Apr 2019 Charlotte Area Member & Judicial Meet n' Greet
27 Feb 2019 Video: Doing What's Right &/or Things You Need To Know, Wilmington
12 Feb 2019 Video: Doing What's Right &/or Things You Need To Know, Raleigh
25 Jan 2019 2019 Winter Workshop
14 Dec 2018 Video: Doing What's Right &/or Things You Need To Know, Elizabeth City
07 Dec 2018 2018 Fall Seminar CLE Video Replay Charlotte
07 Dec 2018 2018 Fall Seminar CLE Video Replay Wilmington
06 Dec 2018 2018 Fall Seminar CLE Video Replay Raleigh
25 Oct 2018 Rescheduled! Charlotte Area Member & Judicial Evening Social and Get Together
28 Sep 2018 2018 Fall Seminar & Judicial Candidates' Forum
13 Sep 2018 CANCELED. Charlotte Area Member & Judicial Reception
09 Aug 2018 Great Adverse Depositions, Principles and Principal Techniques
14 Jun 2018 President's Dinner, An Evening with the Judiciary
14 Jun 2018 41st Annual Meeting & Spring Program
17 May 2018 Triangle Member & Judicial Reception
23 Mar 2018 What is it Like to Be White in America?
26 Feb 2018 Video: Doing What's Right &/or Things You Need To Know, Asheville
23 Feb 2018 Video: Going Through the Motions, Raleigh
23 Feb 2018 Video: Doing What's Right &/or Things You Need To Know, Raleigh
02 Feb 2018 2018 Winter Workshop
13 Dec 2017 Video: Doing What's Right &/or Things You Need To Know, Elizabeth City
13 Dec 2017 Video: Doing What's Right &/or Things You Need To Know, Raleigh
01 Dec 2017 Video: Going Through the Motions, Asheville
04 Oct 2017 2017 DRI Annual Meeting
29 Sep 2017 2017 Fall Seminar
18 Aug 2017 Going Through the Motions
15 Jun 2017 40th Annual Meeting & Spring Program
06 Apr 2017 Triad Member & Judicial Reception
28 Feb 2017 Video: Ethics & Substance Abuse and/or Order in the Court -- Winston-Salem
28 Feb 2017 Video: Ethics & Substance Abuse and/or Order in the Court -- Leland/Wilmington
27 Feb 2017 Video: Ethics & Substance Abuse and/or Order in the Court--Asheville
22 Feb 2017 That Was the Year That Was - Best of 2016 Video Replay--Charlotte
15 Feb 2017 That Was the Year That Was - Best of 2016 Video Replay--Raleigh
10 Feb 2017 CANCELLED: Best of 2016 Video Replay - Greensboro
27 Jan 2017 2017 Winter Workshop
16 Dec 2016 Video: Ethics & Substance Abuse and/or Order in the Court
14 Dec 2016 Video: Ethics & Substance Abuse and/or Order in the Court
09 Nov 2016 Raleigh Paralegals Lunch 'n Learn: Emerging Ethics - Regulating the 2.0 Frontier
03 Nov 2016 Charlotte Paralegals Lunch 'n Learn: Emerging Ethics - Regulating the 2.0 Frontier
19 Oct 2016 2016 DRI Annual Meeting
06 Oct 2016 Charlotte Member & Judicial Reception
30 Sep 2016 2016 Fall Seminar & Judicial Candidates' Forum
26 Aug 2016 The Nitty Gritty of Discovery
16 Jun 2016 39th Annual Meeting & Spring Program
12 May 2016 Triangle Area Member & Judicial Reception
29 Feb 2016 Video: Ethics & Substance Abuse and/or A Business Court Primer
26 Feb 2016 Video: Ethics & Substance Abuse and/or A Business Court Primer
24 Feb 2016 Video: CANCELLED! Ethics & Substance Abuse and/or A Business Court Primer
23 Feb 2016 Video: 2015 Fall Seminar - Highlights
19 Feb 2016 Video: Cancelled! Ethics & Substance Abuse and/or A Business Court Primer
17 Feb 2016 Video: 2015 Fall Seminar - Highlights
15 Feb 2016 Video: Cancelled! Ethics & Substance Abuse and/or A Business Court Primer
29 Jan 2016 2016 Winter Workshop
04 Dec 2015 A Business Court Primer Video Replay
04 Dec 2015 Ethics & Substance Abuse Video Replay
28 Oct 2015 Member & Judicial Reception in Wilmington
07 Oct 2015 2015 DRI Annual Meeting
25 Sep 2015 2015 Fall Seminar for Insurance Claims Managers & Defense Counsel
27 Aug 2015 Member & Judicial Reception in Asheville
06 Aug 2015 A Business Court Primer
11 Jun 2015 38th Annual Meeting & Spring Program
08 May 2015 Spring Cleaning for Your Construction Case Load
22 Oct 2014 DRI 2014 Annual Meeting
03 Oct 2014 2014 Fall Seminar & Judicial Candidates' Forum
01 Aug 2014 Trial Tactics for Young Lawyers
12 Jun 2014 NCADA 37th Annual Meeting & Spring Program
01 May 2014 Commercial Litigation Seminar
13 Jun 2013 NCADA 36th Annual Meeting
18 Jan 2013 Passage to Professionalism: Navigating
08 Nov 2012 In Defense of Diversity: The Critical Role of White Male Partners
28 Sep 2012 2012 Fall Seminar & Judicial Candidates' Forum
14 Jun 2012 NCADA 35th Annual Meeting
27 Apr 2012 Discovery's Brave New World: The Electronic Audit Trail
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