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  • 29 Jan 2015 12:03 PM | Lynette Pitt (Administrator)

    Meet the New Boss…Strategies to Help Young Lawyers As New Managers
    Kelli A. Burns, McGuireWoods, LLP

    Learning how to navigate being a boss and managing people can be a difficult transition, but it is doable.  Many young lawyers are thrown into the “boss” role for the very first time without much, if any, training or experience in managing people.  It’s even more challenging when these new responsibilities require a young lawyer to manage individuals that may have been in their jobs longer, or have significantly more experience than they do.  These situations can be challenging and often rather than cultivating a sense of pride and accomplishment, can cause even the most capable young lawyer to experience an increased amount of anxiety and stress.  What’s important is to take the role in stride, communicate, and open yourself up to feedback.  

    Everyone make mistakes, everyone has bad days, and everyone has moments they just want to get up and walk out the door.  Being a good manager is figuring out how to motivate people through those moments, help keep and improve morale, and most importantly making sure the people who report to you feel valued and appreciated while maintaining an appropriate level of productivity.  There are some basic principles and ideas that can guide you through the initial struggles until you get your footing.  

    Take a minute to think about what it is that you need and crave from your supervisors.  Chances are most of you thought about the same few overreaching ideas: (1) having a clear understanding of what is expected of you; (2) receiving feedback on your performance; and (3) getting recognition for your work.  Now the trick is implementing those same desires into how you manage others.  

    Setting clear expectations is the foundation for effective management.  Without clear expectations, you have set yourself and those under you up to fail.  A prior supervisor of mine used to say “set yourself up for success” about ten times a week.  It drove me crazy at the time – similar to when your parents used to say “if your friends jumped off bridge, would you?”  But it is now a mantra that flows through my head regularly.  Setting up for success includes knowing the strengths and weaknesses of the people you are managing – as individuals and as a whole.  It may be that you sit down with each individual early on and ask them what they believe their attributes and interests are, while also observing from afar.  Taking initiative to learn about your team will also allow them to develop a sense  of your management style, while also building your credibility as a manager that strives to see your whole team succeed.  

    Another critical part of setting clear expectations is leading by example.  Keeping a positive focus, avoiding venting or gossiping, and meeting your own expectations, will set the tone for your team and provides leadership.  Solution based thinking, rather than the problem focused alternative, also fosters leadership qualities.  Do not underestimate how your actions feed and nourish your team’s attitude.

    People crave and need honest feedback on performance, whether good or bad.  In providing feedback there are some golden rules to live by.  Always praise in public and discuss issues with performance in private.  The “sandwich” method of providing constructive criticism seems to be the most effective.  Start with something positive, then provide the comments on what could be done better, and always end on a positive note.  Face to face meetings are always better than an email or phone call.  Who wants bad news via email?  While email may be easier to say something difficult, words on a page have no emotion and there is no opportunity for mutual discussion.  Instead, a face to face meeting not only shows you are truly interested in the person and their development, but it also allows for expressions and tone of voice to assist you in delivery of the feedback and minimize misinterpretations.  Plan to go to their office or work area or meet in a neutral spot like a conference room – it provides a sense of ease for a person to be in their own environment (no one likes to be called to the principal’s office).   The fastest way to undermine yourself and the sincerity of your attention is to look down at your phone or answer an email during a meeting, so don’t do it.  Be present, it will be appreciated.

    When providing any type of constructive criticism, be sincere, but specific about what behavior or actions you want to see altered. Provide potential solutions, specific ideas, or options on how to correct the course.  That said, do not compare one team member to another. No one wants to hear how their older brother got straight A’s and your B’s just are not measuring up.  Effective management understands and respects the individuality of the people who report to them and utilizes each person’s strengths to the betterment of the team while working on changing the weaknesses into assets.  

    Probably the most important thing in being an effective manager is knowing how, and when, to recognize the people you manage. Recognition is a basic need of all people.  Recognition not only that they are trying to work hard and exceed expectations, but simply, that they exist.  Recognition can come in many forms: praise, acknowledgment, awards, and money to name a few.  As young attorneys, we do not have any real control over awards or raises, but we can give recognition by way of praise and acknowledgment.  While getting to know your team, you should also understand how each member of your team would like to be recognized.  Some people enjoy being praised in a public environment, some in private.  Also, recognition should be consistent, just be sure it is deserved and does not become an entitlement.  Contradictory, right?  If people see unfairness in what prompts the recognition, it only serves to divide your team.  However, if you always recognize people in the same way and on a consistent basis, it no longer becomes a special thing and becomes expected.  

    Recognition by saying “you did a good job” is a start, but it does not a provide powerful communication of praise.  Instead, be specific about what it was that made you notice the team member – “thank you for taking the initiative to call the court and determine if our assigned judge would like a proposed order for the motion hearing.”  The second statement reinforces that you appreciate the initiative as well as the action.  

    Recognition can also be simple.  Walking around the floor, or showing your face for something other than delegating a task is recognition. Merely taking a moment to have a conversation while remembering names of children or a significant other, and details of interests of each of your team members, demonstrates that you care and understand they are human beings who desire to be noticed.  Acknowledging life events, birthdays, employment anniversaries, marriage, birth of a child, etc., will also go a long way.  Be sure these are noticed equally among all members.  

    Managing people effectively is challenging – we have all had bosses that were ineffective in one way or another – so approach it with intent and a plan.  Consider what motivates you and the interaction that you desire from your superiors and apply them to your own management style.  

  • 30 Jan 2014 1:09 PM | Lynette Pitt (Administrator)

    Advice from the Experts:  How to Become a “Rainmaker”
    by Leslie P. LasherTeague Campbell Dennis & Gorham, L.L.P

    At some point, every young lawyer transitions from learning how to practice to learning how to use their practice to generate business.  In the first few years, your goal is simply to learn how to practice law. After a few years, the focus shifts from learning how to practice to trying to find your “niche.”  Then comes the big one: once you have figured all of this out, you have to figure out how to generate business. Then, maybe one day you will be a “Rainmaker,” which is of course the ultimate goal in the marketing world. 

    This process generally occurs in steps. Sometimes, though, we have to try to figure all of these things out in one fell swoop. This process is not easy and leads to questions like:  What if I am still figuring out what areas I want to practice in? How do I market myself?  How to I earn the business of my ideal clients? What organizations are really worth my time? And my personal favorite:  How do I sell myself as an expert in a certain area when I have only been practicing four years?

    The Young Lawyer’s committee hears these questions all of the time.  So, we thought it would be worthwhile to seek some advice, and who better to ask than some of the State’s most highly regarded defense attorneys. Our distinguished panel of experts includes:

    • Julie Theall Earp, Greensboro
    • David Allen, Charlotte
    • Leslie Packer, Raleigh
    • Nick Ellis, Rocky Mount
    • Don Ennis, Wrightsville Beach, and
    • Bill Bulfer, Asheville

    The following recommendations are a compilation of the experts’ intuitive, and sometimes off-the cuff advice on “How to become a Rainmaker.” 

    1. Quality sells.  If you do a good job, people notice.  Your current clients will not continue to hire you if you do not produce quality work, nor will they recommend you to others.  According to the experts, the main reasons clients choose to fire their attorney is because the attorney was a poor communicator, was not worth their high fees, or did not pay enough attention to their case.   

    So, while your client may not appreciate how brilliant your brief was on the Motion for Summary Judgment, they are abundantly aware that you cannot spell correctly in an email, always send their correspondence to the wrong address, or cannot explain a basic legal issue in a way they can understand. These are easy things to get right, and they are easy things to be good at.  So, it goes without saying that the first step in becoming a “Rainmaker” is to pay attention to detail, sharpen your skills, and perfect your work product. 

    2. Become an expert.  Find something you like, and go with it.  Then, learn everything about it that you possibly can. Find someone who is in that field, whether it be an attorney, a client, or a friend, and ask them to teach you everything they know. You should not let your age or year in practice hold you back from learning, but instead use it to help set yourself apart at an earlier age. Ask for a ride along or a plant tour. Take a class in order to learn your clients’ trade or skill. Ask the experts in the area what publications they read, and start reading them.  Then, start writing and presenting on topics that are interesting and useful in that particular field.  Don’t be shy. Tell your colleagues and your clients about your interest and your new found expertise and ask them if they know a group that would benefit from your knowledge, articles, and presentations. In order to sell yourself, you have to know yourself, so start learning. 

    3. Sell your product.  Once you have the work product and the expertise, one expert says: “you simply have to get out of the cloud that you currently walk around in.”   As another expert put it: “you are never going to get a date if don’t ask anyone out.”  So, start thinking of yourself as a product provider, and start thinking of everyone you meet as a potential client or a referral source. Figure out who your ideal client is.  Figure out what they like to do and where they hang out.  Then, go there and hang out with them. Stop telling people what you do for a living and instead tell them how you can help them with what they do for a living. Start telling your ideal clients how much you like to work with them, and ask them to keep sending you work. But, don’t be the pushy lawyer that is always saying “we want your work!” Everyone has the capacity to sell their product, but different approaches work for different people.  Forget the dog and pony show and take the time to figure out what works for you, and then, go do it.

    4. Build and maintain personal relationships.  According to one of our experts, this is the “don’t be a jerk” part.  If people think you are a jerk, they are not going to recommend you.   According to another expert “Competence is presumed. Relationships are what really make you successful.”  So, be genuine and empathetic.  Become as invested as you can, and always use the word “we,” never “you” or “me.”  Do not be Facebook friends with people you meet, be actual friends. Call people on their birthdays, send them a memento after you win a big case, or send them a handwritten note every so often.  If your clients are not up for the standard “conference dinner,” put on your jeans and go watch football instead. Lawyers do not typically get clients by showing the depth of their legal knowledge, so, stop talking about law all of the time. While it certainly does not hurt educate a client on a certain issue, taking a genuine interest in your client will likely get you farther. 

    5. Be intentional and get involved. Only really lucky people become “Rainmakers” by chance. Yes, some people are just naturally born for it, but for most people, it is going to require a lot of very intentional effort. Start by determining the most important organizations to you and your practice. For attorneys that get business primarily from lawyer referrals, this may mean becoming involved in a state wide organization, like the NCADA or the State Bar Association in order to expand your referral base.  For others, this will mean finding the trade association that your niche group of clients belong to.  Then, as one expert says “you have to get involved- with capital letters: INVOLVED.”   It is simply a waste of your time go to an event and not meet new people, or to be on a committee and offer no input.  You have to be dependable, and you have to devote your attention to the organizations you have chosen.  When you are engaged and intentional, whether it is in your law firm, organizations, or personal life, good things will follow.

    All of the experts unanimously agree on one thing: “Rainmaking” is not rocket science. There is no trick or magic pill. While these attorneys are now experts in maximizing the balance between practicing law, marketing, and generating business, getting there was a career-long process. As one expert aptly noted: “At the end of the day, there are hundreds of lawyers who do exactly what you do, just as well as you do.  So, you have to find a way to be memorable.  You have to be true to yourself.” Becoming a “Rainmaker” simply does not happen overnight, so we as young lawyers should not become discouraged.    We simply have to have our eyes open when an opportunity presents itself, be smart enough to recognize it, and brave enough to take it.  

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